Complex Assets Divorce ServicesIndiana Marital Asset Protection and Complex Property DivisionIn divorce cases where the marital estate consists of considerably more than a house, a couple of motor vehicles, and the usual personal property, the nature of the exercise changes substantially. Not only does each spouse have quite a lot more to lose and the means to support protracted courtroom fighting, but the logistical challenge of proving disputed facts becomes more complicated as well. When one or both of the parties is well known, the glare of media attention presents yet another problem to deal with. Contact Attorney Darryn Duchon in Indianapolis for experienced advice and representation if your divorce case features issues and problems characteristic of a high-asset, complicated marital estate, or professional athlete. Indianapolis divorce attorney Darryn Duchon's accounting degree and experience handling property division cases can be useful to parties with a complex or high-asset divorce estate. His extensive experience with complex and high-asset divorce estates ranges from small family businesses or professional practices to cases involving property worth more than $100 million. Although the principles of law remain essentially the same, larger divorce cases will typically require special accountants, appraisers and business valuation experts to develop and present evidence on the true value of particular assets, separate property characterization and appraisal, and the tax consequences to one party or the other of a particular distribution proposal. Indiana divorce law provides that marital property be divided between the parties in a "just and reasonable" manner. The decision of "who gets what" is oftentimes left to the discretion of the Family Court judges. Therefore, hiring a qualified family law attorney with keen advocacy and negotiation skills is all the more important. Along with presenting your case in the most favorable light in court, family law attorney Darryn Duchon's substantial experience can help protect your interests during negotiations and in mediation. In cases where the complexity and scale of the case might tempt your spouse to manipulate or minimize the marital estate, close accounts, or open new ones, Darryn Duchon can go to court quickly for the relief or restraining orders that might be necessary to preserve the status quo and determine the true value of assets. Indiana complex divorce lawyer Darryn Duchon can also help minimize the media impact of your divorce casecase for professional athletes or other well-known public figures. For additional information about Darryn Duchon's ability to handle the most complex divorce cases, contact him in Indianapolis. Evening and Saturday Hours Available. |